Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 287

Year Three - Day 228 – October 22, 2011

The Road

I didn't sleep a wink until I heard from Jake.

Jake had a show with The Parachuting Apostles back in Philadelphia tonight so he had to catch a flight back. Once I got the text that said everything was cool I rolled over and caught a few winks. I got the room to myself tonight...which is always rare and wonderful.

It's a rare moment to be alone with my thoughts which can sometimes be a dangerous thing. I'm a dreamer with an analytical brain, I often take everything apart and over analyze and it drives me crazy. I did eventually get to sleep though, I'll deal with the questions in the am.

I woke up with the sun, cold symptoms lingering so the sleep wasn't amazing. I'm a little hungover, cause Minneapolis always gets me I scoop Andrew from his room, the slight rash has now engulfed his entire body and he's itchy from head to toe. we scoop Rob and after a quick visit with Flip we've hit the road to head back home.

As we journey back home the ride is quiet for the most part leaving me alone with my thoughts again...dangerous lol.

I'm basically of two brains about the immediate future.

Boy Wonder wants to keep going. That part of me loves the van, the hotels, the bad food, and most importantly bringing music to people. To perform night in and night out is a dream come to get paid for it is amazing. Opportunities keep popping up and I want to take advantage of every one.

Andre, the smarter/creative part wants to go home and rest, recharge, and write new songs. Everyone's heard the songs from Animated a bunch over the past year and some change. If you want the audience to stay there you have to keep it fresh and for me that means new material. You learn so much out here and I'm anxious to pick up the Pen and the Martin and throw myself into the process. There are 5 or 6 new tunes already, who knows what will happen in a week or a month.

The focus now is the show at Johnny Brendas on Wednesday. I was a bit more aggressive with the marketing for this show this time around, mainly because I'm excited to have the opportunity again. I want it to be bigger and better than it was before, I want Jake not to have food poisoning, I want to be seen in a more professional light, I want to feel better about the show, I want to slow everything down like we did in Minneapolis so I can enjoy it. To be completely blown away by two Killer Bands in a 5 day span also intrigues me.

Part of me is (and will always be) still haunted by the voices of the people who laughed when I said I wanted to do this for a living. There are a lot of people who would like to stick a finger in my face and tell me I'm no good, who'd prefer that I'd be quiet about the things I'm doing. People are really nasty about it sometimes. But as a I ride in the front seat of my Dad's 1993 Blue Dodge Ram I get over it real quick.

I like who I am and I'm proud of the few things I've accomplished. No one knows better than me exactly where I stand in the grand scheme of things. There are still people in my hometown that have no clue who I am or what I'm doing. We tour in my Dad's conversion van that I'm not licensed to drive, the electronics don't work half the time (As rob smacks the Dashboard) we play to a few hundred people a night and get paid if we're lucky, I'm broke half the time, I live with my parents, there are promoters in town who hate my guts because I refuse to be taken advantage of, I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be. Can I be annoying? Sure. Even I wish I didn't have to be in people's faces as much as I am...especially lately. But when someone says “Hey we like you to play” or “Hey would you be willing to come on my radio show” or “Hey I think your band is awesome” I get excited and I wanna tell everyone I know, and even some that I don't because I know that without people in my corner I've got no chance.

Night falls and my tirade is over we popped for some cheap DVD's at a Best Buy in Wisconsin and I'll do my best to stay awake with Andrew as he drives.

Home tomorrow

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