Friday, August 28, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 168

Day 167 - August 25th 2009

Lessons today finally. I had spent the better part of the last month not teaching guitar, something I dig doing. More walking though, not good for my ankle. It’s more sore than anything else. I need to make it a point on Thursday to rest it.

The search for a new place to write begins today, it’s clear that I’m gonna be unable to write at home, the ringing phones and all the booking work is going to make that impossible. Rittenhouse Square has way too many people that I know wanting to talk to me and Washington Square park seems to be filled with Gawkers and tone def people on bikes that wanna sing with me in Spanish. So if any readers have any suggestions I’m willing to try anything.

I arrived at my first students apartment and she told me that today would be her last lesson. Her and her fiancé are saving up to buy a house and are now restricting themselves to a tight budget that doesn’t include guitar lessons. Hopefully I’ve given her enough for her to be bale to play kids songs with her students when the school year starts.

I did my second lesson and ended up going to McGillins for 25 cent wing night….my ankle has to heal soon I’m getting fat from the lack of exercise and all the tasty food I’ve been eating lately, I sound like a woman I should stop talking about my figure.

Upon arrival I was told that Duane Swierczynski Crime author and author of The Punisher was upstairs doing a singing. He’s a local guy that actually did a story ark that brought The Punisher to Philadelphia. I walk up the stairs and there he was. Had I known he was gonna be there I would have found my copies and had him sign them.

I walked over to the Tritone and hung out with Kelvin for a while before going to Lickety Split for a meeting. Turns out I get a call telling me the meeting’s someplace else a fancy spot downtown no less.
I get the address and head over.

I walk inside and I can smell the sophistication from the entranceway. The vastness and décor of the place is intimidating like something out of one of those sophisticated indy style dramas with an enseble cast and intertwining storylines, I can’t afford to walk inside this place. The 3 finely dressed hostesses should have been clue number 1. I can smell the money. The place is empty but I can almost hear the conversations that would take place here, big deals, big cases, marriage proposals. extramarital affairs, the place had a waterfall in it.

They walked me inside to find my party both sipping martini’s and talking business. A far cry from where I usually roam, a far cry from the place we’re trying to take to the next level. Things are changing, everyone all around is thinking of ways to change the place and make it better. They take me on a tour of this place, the views of the city are better than the place itself. An ideal place to take a date they say to me. Extremely trendy, not sure if it’s my style. I had a martini with them and came home, I’ll have to ask Nikki why she likes them so much.

I’ll be at Lickety tomorrow but for now I get some sleep.

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