Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 183

Day 182 - September 9th 2009

Lickety started off slow. We had one act pullout and an another act that after carefully looking at my email records that I had forgotten to email beyond confirming the date. So we really only had three acts that were able to promote the gig and for that they did a good job.

The Sobriquets were probably my favorite of the night. I chatted with their drummer about the best way for them to progress. I barely know anything, but I’ve learned a thing or two from all the bands I’ve worked with in the past. So we chewed the fat about a little bit, I tend to talk a whole lot so I hope he was able to grab a few sentences of what I said and put it to good use. I got to get more people out to see this band.

After the show was over we had our very first Wednesday Jam Session hosted by Aphillyation. It was an amazing thing, all these top flight musicians, even a girl playing an electric saxophone. I even jumped on and sang butterflies with them. I had such a great time.

I came home so excited about what had happened, that we may have found a way to keep people inside of Lickety Split till 2AM on a Wednesday Night. I hop on my computer and there it was. Someone’s Facebook status was a nasty comment about me. I won’t say who it is, and will not give the comment anymore credence than is absolutely necessary by quoting this person. To paraphrase he basically said I was the biggest asshole on the planet, I had nothing to offer, and if this is what “Philly” had to offer than Philly’s crap, not to mention that my act makes him want to blow his brains out.

I’m basically a sensitive guy who spent most of his life trying to be a people pleaser so my first instinct was for my feelings to be hurt, not gonna lie. I mean this guys fury was so strong he wrote his status and then responded to it…twice. His anger was pretty red hot.

My second instinct was to look in the mirror and ask myself what could I have done to offend this man? Could this guy be that mad about a couple of Facebook invites he may have gotten today? It had to be something else. I deal with a lot of musicians, somewhere around 40 acts a week, I’m bound to do or say something that rubs someone the wrong way. I don’t intend to, but I admittedly can be a little testy sometimes and tend to speak without a filter when frustration sets in. Maybe this person caught me on a bad day at Philly Rising, Maybe he wanted a gig at Lickety and I never got back to him, this is a small community, maybe he’s friends with someone I’ve wronged in the past.

My third instinct was to feel sorry for myself. That maybe he’s right, maybe I am a dick. I don’t feel like one but maybe what he’s saying has some merit. Maybe I am one and don’t know it. I’ve never heard someone say that my act made them wanna blow their heads off. Every once in a while someone who doesn’t know me will brand me as cocky or arrogant, kinda makes me angry sometimes because I’ve never seen myself as some big important guy that people should waste their time being angry at I am very well aware of who and where I am in the grand scheme of things. Maybe I ought to re-think this whole thing and go back to working in AV, at least no one posted nasty things about me there. I was pretty bummed out at this point in the night, like I was losing sleep over it.

Finally after talking to a friend I came to a realization. Opinions are like assholes everybody’s got one and if I want to be in the public eye I’ve got to learn to deal with strangers thinking that they know you and spouting a negative opinion. That’s not gonna stop me from promoting myself, my shows or my records, and it sure as hell shouldn’t stop me from being excited about the things that I’m doing. My life’s not perfect but I’m happy. So love me or hate me, I am determined to find a way to get over the hump and to the next level.

Tomorrow’s an off day as I finalize everything for Friday’s Ithaca show. I think it’s gonna be an amazing experience and one helluva party.

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