Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 68

Day 67 - May 17th 2009


It’s the third Sunday in the month which means I have to play guitar in church for the Junior and Young People’s choir. Something I’ve done almost as long as I’ve been playing. There are only two constants whenever I play for them; I don’t know what songs the band and I are playing and I don’t know the chords, just the keys for me to improvise over. I realized how rusty I actually still am in terms of playing guitar. My fingers aren’t in flight like they would normally be. Making chords is a bit tough but I got through it. I’ll have three more shots in June to get back in line with the rest of the band. It’s a completely different mindset. Most of the time I’m wailing on guitar as loud as possible and church is where I learned to pull back and be more creative in terms of what I do with my guitar.

A quick meal with the family then off to take a nap. I’ve been napping like a four year old lately. When I woke up I got a text from Steve from The Absolute Zeros telling me that they were guest hosting Hometwon Heroes tonight and that they are gonna play Hangover on the radio at some point during the show. I was listening to them for a while as they played some of the best local music I’ve heard in a while then at 9:37 they start talking about this guy Boy Wonder. My ears perk up even more. They talk about me for a few minutes and then at 9:40 the intro to Hangover plays.

My dream is coming true as I imagine my music being beamed everywhere on the radio. A song based on one of many walks of shame is being aired for a bunch of listeners in the region. It’s truly an awesome feeling. Everything else that happens to me at this point on is icing on the cake. I’m officially in the still grindin but can’t complain part of my music career. I definitely want more but looking back I realize that in less than a month I’ve been on national television and one of my songs have been played on the radio. I’m sure that one of these days I’ll simply see radio as a tool to raise awareness and sell records but tonight I’m going to soak in the magic that this experience has brought me. It’s an amazing thing.

Since some of my dreams are coming true I’m headed to bed to come up with some new ones.

My buds The Absolute Zeros

My Favorite Commercial Ever

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