Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 69

Day 68 - May 18th 2009

Last night was sick I have a lot of thank you’s to dole out to the Absolute Zeros a band from Philly that have become my best friends in the scene. I don’t hang out with many of the other bands in town outside the confines of the show, I’m too entrenched and know way too many people for me to be tight with all of them. But those guys are good guys and I’ve enjoyed everything that we’ve done together from the shows to collaborating on Hangover to the times we’ve gotten wasted together. These are guys I’d love to tear up the country with. They were able to get me my first show ever in New York a year or two ago and now they were able to get me on the radio. They said they DJ liked my stuff so I have to send him my package. This is a perfect example of two bands/acts in a local scene helping each other out as best as possible.

There’s no Philly Rising tonight so I get a chance to rest and see about getting to Jersey to rehearse vocals with my sisters who are doing backgrounds for me on Sunday. Jersey’s always tricky. I have to find a ride and find a way back home.

I worked on Get me to California a new song I’d written while out on the road. I never quite got the bridge part down so I’m tryin to lock that down now. I have some other new ideas as well. A lot of this stuff is really up close and personal so it’s hard to tell if the music is good or not. Just because one pulls material from their heart and soul doesn’t necessarily make it a good song, so I want to be careful and make sure that any new material released or played for the general public is better than anything I’ve ever put out. I’m def interested in goin back to the three piece sound that I do live on-stage with the next batch of recordings. I send out my confirmation text for rehearsal tomorrow and get responses from everyone. I think I’m back to being used to being a band leader again. There are certain things that need to happen to make it all work

I met up with the folks who dropped me off with my sister Nikki and my nephew Aydan and from there we picked up some Chinese food and went to my sister Lashon’s house in jersey.

I played with her daughters for a while before they went to bed. Once Nikki put Aydan to sleep we went over some stuff. Definitely better than it was last week. Although I do have some concerns I think we’ll be ok for Sunday’s show.

I watched some TV and went to bed I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me tomorrow.

Dear John by me and my sister Nichole Lynn one of the songs we wrote together

Boy Wonder and Nichole Lynn

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