Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 74

Day 73 - May 23rd 2009

I woke up pretty early today. My bro-in-law had to go to the ER for a rash he had. I attempted to watch cartoons but their inherent lameness made me fall asleep several times. When I woke up there were some rugs that needed washing and some laundry that needed to go to the dry cleaners. Once I did that I considered going out.

I got a call from Eric Darden and old friend from church, his fiancĂ© was coming to pick up a couple of tickets so I stuck around the house. Those two tickets turned into four which is always a good thing. Hopefully I’ll get rid of most of them tomorrow before I turn the money in. It was still hot outside so I went upstairs to take a second nap. When I woke up I watched the rest of Point Break with Dad and when I went outside it had gotten cooler so I decided to hit Rittenhouse Square to work on some tuneage. While en route I made sure Caitlin gets her sound check tomorrow.

When I got there I had a really good idea. I had a convo with a friend of mine. He told me about how he suspected that his girlfriend of like 5 years was cheating. Fertile ground for a catchy pop song. I’ve also been really thinking a lot about true love and all it‘s aspects. Love is such a battlefield and it’s hard work no matter who it is. It’s a subject I’d really like to intentionally explore with the next batch of songs. I’d also like to brush up on my chord theory to open some more doors musically. I’d been working pretty hard on it when I got a call from Barbara, we were going to meet up to hang out.

Barb is a cool chick I met a few years back. I was looking for musicians that could serve as backup for the guys I had at the time. I ended up with an all female crew, we even formed a second band (The FBI). Barb and I were fast friends. She’s a straight from the shoulder kinda gal, I like that. We met for coffee and took it back to the park. We sat on a bench and talked for hours while I played my guitar. She’s one of those people I know I need to be around more but for some reason it just doesn’t happen. I can’t think of a better person to spend a lazy day with. One of the few people that can get me to shut up and listen, she gave me some advice which I always heed.

As we were hanging some homeless looking, toothless guy came over and wanted to talk guitars and music. He had a band that was better than Kevin Eubanks’ band, he was blowing everybody away. He came over twice and didn’t really wanna leave us alone. He expressed his disgust with Sting and Eric Clapton for leaving The Police and Cream to pursue other projects. "You never leave your band" he says to me. I was going to express my disagreement but you don't debate with a crazy person. It was when he wanted to show us pics of his glory days Barbara suggested we should go. The park is filled with crazies unfortunately. I walked her to the subway and I met mom dukes who was coming over the bridge, hopped in the car and went home.

Hopped up on the caffeine I sucked down with Barbara I stayed up and watched the History Channel before I went to bed.

Huge day tomorrow, hope people show up…lol

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