Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 22

Day 21 - April 1st 2009

Detroit. Birthplace of Motown. All I could think of when we pulled in was that this place looked like hell hit it. It was not unlike the Detroit in Robocop. The city’s in a pretty bad way. I also thought of that Anime movie Fist of the Northstar.

We’re here to perform at the Limelight a sports bar on the edge of town. I helped load in and went to sleep with my head on a table. When I woke up Ramsey (Bang Camaro’s Manager) had arrived with some friends and everyone was setting up their gear. About an hour later the corporate types roll in and we kick things off.

We gave em a Bang Camaro show a full on head banging, ass shaking, guitar ripping extravaganza of epicness. I thought it sounded great and felt even better. Nothing like music man, We schmoozed with the corporate types for a while and thanked the owner of the bar for having us. I must have singed 4 posters. They seemed to dig what was happening so maybe it will lead to something for the band. I definitely would like to see good things happen for the Camaro. This is a magnificent idea that’s just crazy enough to work.

We hung out for a while at the bar, I had some soup to try to fight the cold back. Getting sick at this point would really suck. We loaded the car up and went back to the hotel. I had a deep discussion with Dr. Doz! about females and separation anxiety before Bryn decided that we should return to the Limelight for Karaoke Night.

We walked over and the place was packed, I’m not (nor have I ever been) a fan of Karaoke, but it seemed like everyone was having a good time. I immediately spotted what appeared to be a woman’s bowling team they were all dressed alike, it was someone’s birthday she was turning 29 for the 20th time. Bryn wants Sean, Rod, Nick, and I to sing songs. Sean broke out with some Limelight by Rush and nailed it. Then I busted out some P.Y.T. from Michael Jackson’s Thriller which the middle aged, leather faced chicks seemed to dig. I dipped to the back and was strongly encouraged by the Camaro brethren to interact with people (Not a life of the party kinda guy, I‘m not a dick about it I‘m just not really a people person.) I decided to do another song. By the end of the night I was enjoying myself.

We’re leaving the club and some woman was offering to buy the band drinks I was like

Me: You can buy me a drink

Drunk Chick: Whatever you’re not going the same place they’re going

Me: What?

Rod: He’s in the band

Drunk Chick: What are you the fucking drummer?!

Now in my state I’m thinking “Well that’s kinda racist” Luckily for her I didn’t join Bang Camaro to slap bitches in Detroit.
I retired to my air mattress and went to bed.

Tomorrow starts our stretch with Electric Six. Very much looking forward to really getting to work.

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