Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 34

Day 33 - April 13th 2009

So much about life on the road is being a slave to routine. You roll out of bed at the same time every morning more or less, you shower (sometimes shave), get dressed, try to eat something, go back to your room, pack your stuff, hop in the van and head to the next gig. Roll in, load the gear, sound check if it’s possible, move the drums when your done and wait. Change clothes, play the gig, soak in the adulation of your adoring public, hang out for a while, maybe find a party, go back to the hotel, sleep, and do it all over again the next day. Sometimes you even forget what city you’re in. Luckily I have Dan (who’s probably sick of my black ass by now) to tap on the shoulder and ask dumb questions like that.

Yesterday he told me we were goin to Kansas City as we continue our trek through the alternate universe that is Middle America. The scenery is flat for the most part and the people are a tad more friendly here than they are on either of the coast. Things don’t seem to move as fast here. You’re more likely to find people coming out to see bands play. They seem to dig the whole rock and roll thing more out here. Or maybe it’s cause there’s nothing better to do. When we got to Kansas City, I was blown away by Kauffman Stadium where the Royals play and Arrowhead Stadium where the Chiefs play. They were my favorite team for the couple of years Joe Montana went there to finish his career.

We pulled into The Record bar at around 4:30 I was surprised at how small it was. The varying size of the rooms has probably been one of the things that throw me a little on a daily basis. As I look around though I see names on posters for upcoming shows I recognize; Howie Day, The Ting Tings, Eagles of Death Metal, and I’m thinking that not only is this place legit, Kansas City gets all these great shows in such an intimate setting. That’s pretty cool.

I found out that we didn’t go on till ten and there’d be no sound check I decided to walk around in search of a pansy organic store that might sell my throat coat tea. As I walked down Westport Road to Main Street I saw something I hadn’t seen since I left home…A Comic Book store. I was in heaven. Two guys playing D&D (which I’m against playing on principle) as I walked inside I looked at all the titles rushing to the B section to see if the 1st issue of Battle for The Cowl had come out. It had and it was sold out. I leave and directly across the street ANOTHER Comic Book Store. They didn’t have it either. I was sad. Neither staff was very social or friendly either. I’ll have to make a trip to Showcase when I come back.

I walked back towards the venue and saw a store called sun grocery. Unfortunately it wasn’t quite pansy enough to have my throat coat tea. When I got back to the record bar I got a bowl of vegan minestrone, which I found odd cause I didn’t know minestrone had animal products in it. It was pretty tasty so I got another one and some fries. I ate half and gave the rest to my man Doz who finished them off. I waited in the dressing room and was told we were going back to the hotel for a while so I hopped in the van.

The hotel brought new meaning to the word seedy. It looked like one of these hotels where drug related things happen or where men bring their mistresses or hookers for extramarital activity. We rolled in, watched some Family Guy and bolted.

When we got back I changed and it was go time. I could see The Electric Six guys in crowd watching as the show began. We’ve all gotten along really well I imagine that that is a rare thing when you tour with people. Then I noticed something that I really hadn’t banked on happening today. I swallowed and it didn’t hurt, I had a spring in my step. Which means I’m running somewhere between 75 and 80% which means I can give a decent performance. My allergies (which have seemingly taken the place of my strep throat) are effecting my voice a bit so there were some notes and vocal character things that aren’t quite there yet but it’s getting better. Electric Six got their groove on as usual. I’m gonna try some of that banter when I get home. See how long I can call Rob Cindy Crawford’s little brother before he clotheslines me.

We went to an after party at the Riot Room where we were treated like rock royalty. A fight broke out in the bar and there was another shoving match. It left me wondering why people in Kansas City are so aggressive. They had one of these 80’s Djs and Bryn showed that he had the moves. Game recognize Game, Dude knows how to work it.

Afterwards the band got some burritos and we went back to the hotel. A couple of the guys wanted to do an after party but most of us were having no parts of that. I blew up my air mattress and went to sleep. We play Norman Oklahoma tomorrow…yikes

Some shots of our South by Southwest Performance

What's My Name

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