Thursday, April 16, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 36

Day 35 - April 15th 2009

I woke up at 8 and for the first time on this tour I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I woke up I headed to the lobby in search of free. Free was unfortunately closed, I was upset because free at this hotel involve a waffle iron. I was pretty excited to get back to Austin, it kinda started here for me with Bang Camaro so it was a nice full circle thing.

When we went into the car I remembered I had to call The Six Flags offices after ten that morning. There was some interest from a couple of the theme parks in having me and my crew play this summer. I always feel a little weird doing Boy Wonder stuff in the van. It feels like small potatoes compared to the things that Bang Camaro does, but if I’m ever going to get anywhere near that level business has got to get done.

At the first rest stop in Texas I was pleased to feel the world famous Texas heat. A far cry from the cold weather of Midwest. We pulled into the hotel and went into the rooms. We watched this show called Cash Cab on the Discovery Channel, it’s nice whenever we get to kick back. When we left the room Pete was playing basketball with a little kid outside. I’m always surprised when I see a different side to one of my band mates. I’ve spent so much time with them in the month or two we’ve been out I forget that in a lot of ways I don’t really know these guys at all.

Depending on the day when we leave the van we tend to scatter, a little separation is good for the soul. My need for solitude was particularly strong today. At home I’m pretty much a loner. I spend most of my time doing things by myself we Coles’ aren’t really into people for people’s sake. It takes a long time usually but if we warm up to you you’ve got a friend for life but even then the need to commune by oneself is a strong one. I got some solitude in the form of 6th Street. Austin is an amazing town one of the few places I’ve seen that I can imagine myself living.

I hooked up with the Electric Six crew and we went and got some BBQ at Iron works on third, ribs were the 2nd best I’ve ever eaten. I got the van keys from Pete and explained to him that the itus had set in and I need to go in the van to go to sleep. I walked over to the van and did just that. I awoke to a txt message of another fire at the HYPE! that I’m too far away to put out. I walked up and down 6th street until it was time to play.

I changed into my stage clothes and I was feeling pretty damn good. We started the show and I had more energy than I had since Buffalo. I was shaking it and jumping around and (most importantly) hitting the right notes. My voice blasting through the monitors I a pretty good indication that I’m feeling better. Everything was on point last night, this had to be the best show of the tour to date. Bang Camaro was kicking ass in Austin last night. I spent a few moments chatting with some young kids that were jumping around in front. I’m always a little taken a back when I see young kids at shows digging the music.

I went up to the green room and wiped myself off from head to toe with a towel, (getting sick again isn’t an option) changed back into my street clothes, and headed back down to the venue for Electric Six’s set. Dick Valentine (Lead Singer) describes it as make everybody happy day. As they were getting ready in the green room a girl who had snuck in told Dick that she had a tap routine to Gay Bar and he said “Do it!” Rich Hoss was also joining them on stage for Danger High Voltage.

The tap routine didn’t work out, the floor was carpeted. I don’t know why she didn’t bring a Tap Board with her. But Rich Hoss brought it. They guy walked on stage prepared to do the song the way it’s supposed to be done. I was lovin it. Electric Six is an awesome band, to the point where I will be seeing them in Philly when they pull into town on April 30th. I had so much fun hanging out and having a good time. When the show was over I noticed (finally) that Pete had changed his drum head and everyone had signed the old one but me. I signed it, then they sold it to a fan. That was pretty bad ass. The kid looked so happy.

We piled in the van and Rich was preparing to roll to his hotel because he’s leaving in the morning. I like that dude, there‘s no bullshit with Rich Hoss, the guy tells you exactly what he thinks. I thought he was leaving for good but he told me he'd be back in time for the LA stuff. As he left I noticed there were non Camaro types in there going back to the hotel….awesome. Wanting no parts of any partying this evening I blew up my mattress and went straight to bed.

We’re in Denton tomorrow. We actually drove through it on the way to Austin, maybe we’re getting hot down the home stretch and this show will be better than the one last night. It’ll also be our last show with Electric Six who’ve been awesome and

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