Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 49

Day 48 - April 28th 2009


After two months I woke up in my own bed this morning. Fitting back in will be strange. Doz told me everything would be different. I didn’t know how right he’d be. It’s kind of like the Twilight Zone. Everything’s the same except for me, well at least it feels that way. My room’s exactly the way I left it the house smells the same but I’m seeing it all through a new pair of eyes. As I wake up it’s confirmed that I’m not the same as when I left.

The Phone rings. It’s the brass from O.N.E. the club I book on Wed Nights. I have a meeting tomorrow…this is good, well hopefully it’s good. I can book some shows and get some more money comin in. The Broke part certainly isn’t fun but getting the HYPE! back on track is part of the long term plan. I need the flexibility that a full time job (or even a freelance job in my previous field) just doesn’t provide. Currently the plan is to get something or several things that I can leave if/when I need to travel again. Plans may change they always do.

As the day rolls by I see emails and texts from friends welcoming me home. It seems as if I was missed, which is kinda cool. I also get to catch up on some things that I missed like television and housework. There are three piles of clothes in the middle of the floor. Mostly my dirty laundry left over from tour along with some other clothes. Sitting on my butt watching TV in my underwear, strangely nice. I feel like a kid on Summer vacation, especially considering the weather. Mom calls, she wants me to pick up her dry cleaning around the corner from her house. I look up and realized that it closes in about 90 mins. I come back inside and hop on Facebook to talk to some friends.

I fear that I was away long enough to change but not long enough to make it stick. Everyone wants to advise me on what to do and I’m allowing them to get into my head. Out there I had really taken control. Making my own decisions, choosing what I wanted to do and doing it. I wasn’t out there on vacation for two months. I learned how to survive out there on my own and I don’t want that guy to be buried. I matured while I was away and I was so excited to bring that guy back. It’s easy to stand on your own when you have the support of others around you who share your dreams and goals. it’s harder to do it when the people around you shake their finger no at you because they don’t understand. It will be something I wrestle with as the weeks and months progress.

Turns out the people in Minneapolis were serious about me coming out there and playing. Just need to find the cash. Putting together this touring thing is going to be a hand full. I have to stand myself up again. I don’t know how I meet this challenge yet but I’m looking forward to it.

I’m spending the rest of the evening vegging out. This is my first night at home so I’m gonna stay in and watch Reaper. My meeting is tomorrow at 4 so I’ll be out then. Kimmel’s also tomorrow and I think my buddies and I are all getting together to watch. It’ll be good to see everyone and share in this experience. With my luck Doz’ll be standing right in front of me.

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