Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 45

Day 44 - April 24th 2009

Today is the big day. I had the feeling rush through my body just before I opened my eyes. I understood the gravity of it and the crazy part was I wasn’t nervous at all. When I got up Ramsey (who was nice enough o let me have the extra bed) was taking the boys to a meeting leaving the room to myself. I ironed my pants and shirt, not wanting to look like a dirt bag on national TV. I checked out of Ramsey’s room and went into the room with the rest of the guys. I found my comb, the braids are coming out today.

I had promised the guys I would do it before the tour was over and tonight seemed like the perfect time to do it. I like the way my hair looks like that. But after a few days it falls straight and I look like Lil Bow Wow so I kept the braids in the whole tour. Nick wanted to leave sooner rather than later to drop Mayte off and pick up Dan. Once we did that we were on our way.

It took us about 45 minutes to drive ten miles but we finally arrived for load in, and I saw the first sign.


We were here, finally after two months on the road. When they talked to me about joining them for this tour this was one of the things they mentioned that perked my interest, they had played Conan in January where I’d seen them for the first time and now they’re getting another shot to be on national television, and I get to be included in that. Truly amazing.

This wouldn't be my first rodeo, I've appeared on some local TV I was even on an episode of VH1 Fanclub about four years ago. So I sort of knew the game already. But this would be my first time ever doing something on broadcast television, meaning anyone with a TV can watch it.

When we arrived we loaded in our gear and then we were shown our dressing room by the security guard. The sign was a trip.

Dressing Room

We're rockstars and we get our own dressing room complete with Fruit Trays and waters and sodas in the fridge. California Pizza kitchen would be catering later. So much free.

We put some stuff on the stage and bagged out for lunch. We went to an In and Out Burger and as I was standing in line I saw someone I recognized, his name escaped me but I called it out anyway. I tapped him on his shoulder and there he was, Sean Purtill my first college buddy. I hadn’t really seen him since the first semester of my freshman year of college, all these years and he was still in the biz that I had climbed out of. Many of the old Temple crew are outside as well. We talked and exchanged info. I have more friends in LA than I realized.

I went outside to join the rest of the gang and Carlos Mencia is sitting at the table behind me. Looked like he was taking a meeting or something I guess the burgers here really are good.

We walked back to the studio and hung in the dressing room for a while until Bryn, Alex, and Doz got there to wire up their stuff and we did a very extensive sound check. These guys leave nothing to chance. We did a camera rehearsal of both songs, followed by an instrumental recording of Revolution. Then it was time to relax and get ready.

The world famous Kimmel Green Room opened up around six. Open bar, free food, beautiful people, the feeling that a guy could live like this…lol. I had a white wine and some shrimp on a stick. I went up the stairs and peaked into the studio audience. There they were Mom and Dad, I waved. I’ve lived with them all my life and this is the most time I’ve spent away so it was good to see them We saw some of the guest stuff and we got the call from a stage manager that it was time to go on. So we took to the stage.


What happened? What usually happens with this band. We ruled…hard! It’s hard not rule standing in between Morgan Brown and Jason Fox. We were like the Patriots before the Superbowl…winning. The crowd was into it, the studio audience was into it, and for the first time my parents saw me shake things that I never shook at home. We did our thing. As we were coming off Jimmy Kimmel told me I was the best one…just like he did to Morgan before me and Jason Fox after me. It was the only time we would physically meet Mr. Kimmel. It happened so fast I didn’t get any impressions on him.

We partied for a little bit in the green room. I grabbed mom and dad and brought them down and introduced them to everyone. I had a few Coronas before they kicked us out. We unloaded and a guy was outside talking to my mom. Apparently his son is a musician and cousins with Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas, he was playing at the knitting room later. He bought a CD from me and I took his card. Probably make contact with him sometime tomorrow.

The boys went to the Rainbow Room to party. I went to the Embassy Suites with my parents. I wanted to rest. I wonder what kind of shenanigans they got into. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it at The Viper Room tomorrow night.

Off to bed now…Big day tomorrow as the week of ruling continues

A TV interview I did like two years ago for Wild about Philly...notice as I struggle not to look at her boobs durign the interview, also notice how I fail miserably

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