Thursday, April 9, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professional Musician 29

Day 28 - April 8th 2009

I awoke in Minneapolis basking in the glow of the great time I had. My air mattress was deflated about a quarter but I didn’t care. I had just performed in the room where Prince shot Purple Rain, met some amazing friends it def was the best night of the tour so far. Nothing could stop the two days we spent in Chicago and Minneapolis. By days end I would be proven wrong.

We had quite a bit of time to kill because of the short distance between Minneapolis and Fargo North Dakota so we went o a Denny’s for breakfast. I ordered a grand slam. I was feeling a little quezzy but thought very little of it as we started the drive. The Midwest is beautiful and provided the perfect backdrop for me to look out of the window and gather my thoughts. I have a lot to think about these days. As I enjoy my time here on the road I realize that it’s coming to a close and there are several things I have to decide upon as far as what I do when I get back. the HYPE!, my booking agency is getting to the point where we were going to start booking bands in a room on Friday Nights. A month before we were supposed to open I got the call from Bang Camaro to do this tour. Trying to finalize a business deal on the road is a pain the ass. That will more than likely be my primary source of income

On the way there Bryn did a phone interview with someone in Texas I believe. I’m always happy to see someone take an interest in the band. Bryn and the crew are such great people so it’s awesome to see their hard work pay off.

We pulled into Fargo and were driving around. I’ll be the first one to tell you that it didn’t look like much. We had to cross train tracks to get to the venue. Problem was we had to wait for the longest train in the world. Seriously the train went on for fifteen to twenty minutes. While we waited we saw a couple, girl had a nice pooper. We cheered for the boyfriend to grab her butt. He did and we all cheered. We cheered again as he picked her up while grabbing her butt. We also saw a buffalo sculpture. It was the gayest buffalo we’d ever seen. But the tear tattooed to his eye suggests he killed someone in prison.

We pulled into the venue, and had to walk up three flights of stairs to load the equipment in and I’m thinking this is stupid. The cavalcade of awesome would soon begin.

First thing that happened we put food orders in. After sound check, everyone got while pizzas to themselves. The Pizzas were amazing, I ate almost the whole thing. We walked down to the dressing room in the basement and watched River Monsters with the guys from Electric Six. As I went up the stairs and back into the room Alex asked me if I wanted to accompany him to do a radio interview. It was pretty cool, I always feel a little awkward answering questions about the band because I’m new but I think I did a good job. The DJ seemed to take a shining to me, he was funny. Shortly after the local opener it was time to go up.

I had some concerns about this show. I was experiencing some soreness from First Ave and my throat was pretty raw and red I stretched and had some water and was good to go. We rocked it. I mean we rocked it hard. The guitar playing was especially good tonight with Bryn and Alex being on fire the level of shred in this band is ridiculous. The Fargo crowd was amazing. These guys love their rock and roll.

The show was over and I was drenched in sweat. I brought a change of clothes with me to change into when the shows are over so I don’t get sick. I was toweling off as Electric Six were getting dressed and ready. Dick Valentine was just sharing some stories and advice from his years of experience. Being on this tour and learning from him has simply been amazing, That guy is the real deal and I learn so much watching him perform every night. I went upstairs to watch Electric Six and I realized something. The people in Fargo like to get you DRUUUUNK. I was offered shot after shot of just about anything you could imagine. I’m not a fan of the shit show so I had to turn them down.

I watched Electric Six and decided to danced with a Fargo native…bad idea. Bless her heart she had the coordination of a Linebacker at his first ballet lesson I waited till the end of the song and when Danger High Voltage came on I just found my band mates and jumped around with them, I love that song. They finished the show and we all started talking to the Fargo natives. I think this was the most social I’d been on this tour. I hear news of a party. Truthfully I wanted to go back to the hotel. The Camaro parties way to hard for my taste and had been doing it for three days straight. But I decided to not whine an get in the van. We were supposed to go to this girls house but we got a bogus address and we’re standing outside where I uttered a sentence I never ever thought I would out of sheer frustration with the situation.

“I am a black man in Fargo, North Dakota at 2 in the morning and I am freezing my ass off”

Look I love me some white folks, I admire their adventurous spirit and sometimes their dancing makes me chuckle but I do not share their love of cold weather.

After all the laughter subsided Rich and Doz spoke on the phone and told us where he was at. Sounded like a good time. When we arrived the lights were on and we didn’t see anyone. Dan (who had ninjaed himself in apparently) opens the door and we kicked it with Rich and these two really awesome girls. We spent the evening throwing a couple back and dancing to Michael Jackson’s thriller album. The girls actually had some moves and they almost redeemed Fargo. It was pretty cool. After an unforgettable night we headed back to the hotel to rest our heads

So Fargo is the best town I’ve seen so far. Fargo is insane. Who knew that Fargo, North Dakota would reek of awesomeness the way it did.

Off to Des Moines Iowa tomorrow. Sounds boring but after last night I am no longer judging a book by it’s cover.

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