Thursday, April 30, 2009

Boy Wonder: Professionla Musician 50

Day 49 - April 29th 2009

After a few days of breathing in today would be the beginning of me piecing my life back together. There were some things that I hadn’t sewn up tightly in my absence and today was going to be the beginning of making that happen. I had a few meetings set up and I needed to see about the check for my vacation time at Drexel (I have almost three weeks worth of pay coming). I also had laundry to do. I’m a little slower about it at home, you think you have all day and it slips away from you. Today is also the day that the Bang Camaro performance airs on Jimmy Kimmel Live, like I forgot about that. I was also intrigued by Arlen Specter’s switch back to the democratic party.

It was official, I was cancelled for the show in Redando Beach on May 9th. I’m sure members of my family are happy that I’ll be home but now if I am rescheduled I’ll probably be stuck opening up the show playing to no one. This has to be the last time I allow people to talk me out of playing no matter where it is. I’m gonna have to remain at the wheel of my life if this is going to work and do what I have to do in order to make it in this business.

My day would really start around 5:30 when I left the house to go to O.N.E. to meet with the owner. Not good news. We didn’t do well enough while I was away, so the brass wants to move us to Monday Nights. I’m not sure if I can do that with Philly Rising being every Monday. I would have to find someone to run the event in my place, not sure if that’s possible or not.

I met up with Chris at El Fuego and we ventured over to Zot to see if Gina was around, no dice. On the way to Downey’s we saw an old restaurant that’s being converted to an arts center. It reminded me a lot of Rhino’s, I’m seeing all ages shows at a Dry Venue depending on cost this could be a worthwhile enterprise.

We walked over to Lickety Split and I was greeted by the beautiful Dani Mari. We’re pretty good friends and have always had a good business relationship. I missed her particular charm. We talked about happenings and she mentions that they might need someone to take over Wed Nights and an occasional Friday. Of course I’m interested. We’ll see what happens. Things change at Lickety more often than not, so we’ll see.

We left and headed over to Teremeh’s house, she was hosting a viewing party. Miguel, Dave, and and a few others show up. It was good to see people I hadn’t seen in two months, especially Miguel who had been reading my blog the whole tour. Jake showed up as well, with a beard he hadn’t shaved since I left for tour. We turned on Kimmel and watched. I’d never really watched his show, the guys pretty funny. We’d all go crazy every time they would show Bang Camaro and see me in my Boy Wonder T-shirt. Dude from Lost was on the JJ Abrams was on and my friends wanted him to shut up. Though the hour would never end.

Jimmy Kimmel introduces us and there we are. The brood known as Bang Camaro. As I watch it memories fill my mind of that day, of the whole experience. This time the people on the TV are strangers, they’re people I know. I was so excited for me and more so Bryn and Alex, they’ve worked really hard to make Bang Camaro successful and it seems like it’s turning the corner and to boot there were a lot of close-up shots of me..kinda felt like a star for a minute. We went for it and we ruled…hard! There are few thrills that will ever match that one and if I’m never successful again beyond this no one can take this moment away from me. It felt incredible, everyone around me was so proud. I was proud.

I called Bryn to tell him how much he ruled. Jaso Fox called me to tell me how hard we won. It was pretty sweet

I don’t know what the hell is going to happen next but right now I’m floating on air. Nice thought to go to sleep by.

Rise up Revolution

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